Using Galen with gulp

The following is a guest post by James Whitney. He is a front end developer from Sydney Australia with a passion for testing which naturally led him to use Galen for his User Interface testing. James has offered some of his insights on how to use gulp and Galen together. Take it away James!

What is gulp?

Gulp is a command line tool to “Automate and enhance your workflow”. You can leverage this automation in your workflow to concatenate/minify CSS and JS and now, test your UIs with Galen!

If you are unfamiliar with gulp, I suggest you familiarize yourself with it. It’s actually quite easy. Gulp is known to be an alternative/successor to the Grunt task runner.

{ "name": "galen-example", "devDependencies": { "async": "^0.9.0", "del": "^1.1.1", "gulp": "^3.8.11", "gulp-serve": "^0.3.0", "gulp-tap": "^0.1.3", "serve-index": "^1.6.1" } }

Using gulp to run your tests

var // Built in packages. spawn = require('child_process').spawn, // Generic npm packages. async = require('async'), del = require('del'), index = require('serve-index'), // The gulp related plugins. gulp = require('gulp'), serve = require('gulp-serve'), tap = require('gulp-tap'), // The port on which the local server should serve up the reports on. port = 3333, // The folder in which the generated reports should be saved to. reportsDir = 'reports', // A `glob` for where the Galen test suites can be found. suitesGlob = 'tests/specs/**/*.test'; // Clean out the directory where the reports will be saved to. This is done so // as not to pollute the reports directory with old/potentially unwanted files. gulp.task('clean', function (done) { del([reportsDir], function (err) { if (err) { throw err; } done(); }); }); // This is the task that will kick off running all the Galen test suites. gulp.task('test', ['clean'], function (done) { var // Here we create an empty Array to store vinyl File Objects. files = [], // Here we define a simple utility Function that we will call to // execute the Galen specs. galen = function galen (file, callback) { spawn('galen', [ 'test', file.path, '--htmlreport', reportsDir + '/' + file.relative.replace(/\.test/, '') ], {'stdio' : 'inherit'}).on('close', function (code) { callback(code === 0); }); }; // Here we source our suites and immediately pass them to `gulp-tap`. The // `gulp-tap` plugin allows you to "tap into" each file that is streamed // into the pipe. We use this functionality to build up the `files` Array // and populate it with vinyl File Objects. // // Once `gulp-tap` has finished // doing its thing, we listen to the `end` event and then pass off the built // up `files` Array to `async.mapSeries`. // // This will sequentially iterate through the Array perform the first // callback and then when all items in the Array have been iterated over, it // will perform the next callback. // // The next callback executes the `done()` handler that tells gulp that we // are finished with this task and that we are good to continue with // whichever task in next in the queue. gulp.src([suitesGlob]) .pipe(tap(function (file) { files.push(file); })) .on('end', function () { async.rejectSeries(files, function (file, finished) { galen(file, finished); }, function (errors) { if (errors && errors.length > 0) { done("Galen reported failed tests: " + ( { return f.relative; }).join(", "))); } else { done(); } }); }); }); // Here we define a task to serve up the generated reports. This allows the // generated HTML to be easily viewed in the browser, simply navigate to // `http://localhost:[port]`. The value for the port is defined at the top of // this file. // // This task requires that the `test` task is run first. This is so Galen can // generate the required reports and present us with the files to display. gulp.task('serve', ['test'], serve({ 'middleware' : function (req, res, next) { index(reportsDir, { 'filter' : false, 'hidden' : true, 'icons' : true, 'stylesheet' : false, 'template' : false, 'view' : 'details' })(req, res, next); }, 'port' : port, 'root' : reportsDir })); // And lastly, we define a `default` task to kick off if `gulp` is called with // no additional arguments. // // If this happens, we then kick off the `serve` task which will in turn kick // off the `test` task. // // Once this is all complete you can navigate to localhost in your browser and // see the results of the tests. gulp.task('default', ['serve']);
Written by James Whitney


We have moved all the discussions to Google Groups. From this moment, if you have problems with your test code or some issues with installation, please ask your questions in!forum/galen-framework.